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Monday, March 23, 2020

Gudi Padwa the Indian New Year Celebration.....How is Gudi Padwa Celebrated



How is Gudi Padwa (Chaitra Shukla Pratipada) the Hindu New day is Celebrated in India...?

Maharashatra Celebration of Gudi Padwa:
                Chaitra Shukla Patipada the hindu calendar on which Maharashtrian’s celebrate the festival of Gudi padwa. The first day of the calendar starts that is the New Year with Chaitra Month as followed by the Indian Hindu Calendar base on the Luna-Solar. The Deccan Plateau of Indian Land on which the State of Maharashtra resides once ruled by the Great Maratha King Shivaji Maharaj…Shivaji Raje Bhosale encouraged his people celebrate this New Year day as Vijaya Diwas and told to raising the Gudi which was the mark of the Vija Diwas. Till the date in Maharashtra the first day of Chaitra the New Year Day is celebrated as Vijaya Diwas.

Celebration of 'Ugadi' Andhra


                The Southern part of India the first full moon day is called the Pāḍya. This day in Andhra Pradesh is called as Ugadi,  festival of Ugadi comes with knock of  Vasantik Navratri. On this occasion  a special prasad is distributed in Andhra Pradesh on the occasion of 'Ugadi'. It is said that whoever takes this Prasad without food, gets rid of the disease.

Kokan Region in Maharashtra and Karnataka:

      On other hand the Konkani Hindu people call this festival day as संसरपाडवो or संसरपाड्यॆ (saṁsāra ‘pāḍavo/ saṁsāra pāḍye) संसार (saṁsāra) being a corruption of the word संवत्सर (saṁvatsara). Konkani Hindu people in state of Karnataka also refer to it as उगादि, ಯುಗಾದಿ(ugādi).

Some of other versions of the day in States of India

different names for the festival according to the 

culture :

  • Konkan Region: Samsara Padav
  • Andhra Pradesh State: Ugadi.
  • Karnataka State: Yugadi
  • Sindhi Community of India: Cheti Chand

The Way of Celebration:

                      The festival of Gudi Padwa is celebrated with gaiety in the South Indian states including Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Goa. This festival is celebrated in a special way in Maharashtra. Puran poli or sweet roti is made on this day. Jaggery, salt, neem flowers, tamarind and raw mango are added to it. All these things have their own importance. Jaggery symbolizes sweetness, neem flowers to dissolve bitterness and tastes the sweet and sour taste of tamarind and mango life.

Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu:

                  Lord Vishnu too is said to have incarnated as Matsya, the fish, on this day.India is a land of number of stories and myths. One such story is of the Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is known as the creator of the world. Lord Vishnu has taken a number of incarnations to save the world from the hands of evil sources. The Matsya Avatar is the first avatar out of the ten principle avatars of Lord Vishnu. The word Matsya means fish in Sanskrit and the word avatar means reincarnation. According to the legends Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of fish to save the world from mass destruction and disaster.

Mythology in South India :

                        The festival of Gudi Padwa is quite popular in South India. The story of this festival is also related to Ramayana. Many people believe that according to mythological beliefs, Satya Yuga was ruled by King Bali in South India. When Lord Sri Rama came to know that Lankapati Ravana had  abducted  Mother Sita, when he reached South India in search of her, he met Sugriva here. Sugriva revealed his inability to help him by making Shri Ram aware of Bali's misrule. After this, Lord Shri Rama killed Bali and freed the people of South India from his terror. It is believed that that day was of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. People who were freed from the tragedy of Bali, hoisted the flag (Gudi) after celebrating from house to house. Even today the practice of erecting Gudi in the courtyard of the house is prevalent in Maharashtra. That is why this day was named Gudi Padwa.

We wish you all a very happy New Year..

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